Herb Zinser - Symbolic Cities

The modern symbolic cities of nouns, verbs, math equations, biochemistry molecule formula of the SYMBOLIC ARMY. The physics microsoft BALMER series emission mission ERROR of Seatttle. The INTERNET symbol, graphics war with bio-computer HUMANS.

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The Mary and L.SB. Leakey social anthropology blood LEAK

RD-blog-number-4411 by Herb Zinser reviews the biochemistry social engineering WARS on planet EARTH.

A major INFORMATION SOURCE about Nature's military systems comes from the LEAKEY social anthropology battles with the key identifier code --> Leakey --> subset words --> Leak key --> information LEAK ..... key data.

Let's look at the battle raging for hematology / blood control of the British people on EARTH .... reflected by the battle in Kenya.... that is REALLY ...

British Kenya (1888–1962)
Main article: British Kenya

British East Africa in 1909.

Africa kenya british east africa

The colonial history of Kenya dates from the establishment of a German protectorate over the Sultan of Zanzibar's coastal possessions in 1885, followed by the arrival of the Imperial British East Africa Company in 1888. Incipient imperial rivalry was forestalled when Germany handed its coastal holdings to Britain in 1890. This was followed by the building of the Kenya–Uganda railway passing through the country.[37]

This was resisted by some ethnicities — notably the Nandi led by Orkoiyot Koitalel Arap Samoei for ten years from 1890 to 1900 — still the British eventually built the railway.

Africa kenya british east africa

Another blog post explains the Louis Leakey message.

RD-blog-number-4411 by Herb Zinser reviews the modern SCIENCE WARs expression formats.

 The social  science and humanties INTELLECTUAL problems were  outlined by C.P. SNOW, Alan Sokal, Edward Snowden, and others.


Above, C.P.Snow 



The Two Cultures - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The Two Cultures is the title of the first part of an influential 1959 Rede Lecture by British scientist and novelist C. P. Snow. Its thesis was that  "the intellectual life of the whole of western society" was split into the titular two cultures — namely the sciences and thehumanities — and that this was a major hindrance to solving the world's problems.



 Below, the C.P.SNOW  modern messenger ...... Edward Snowden.



Edward Snowden - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Edward Joseph "Ed" Snowden (born June 21, 1983) is an American computer professional who leaked classified information from the National Security Agency ...

Five Eyes - ‎Laura Poitras - ‎Glenn Greenwald - ‎Right of asylum 



who leaked classified information

who leaked classified information

who   leaked  classified  information  

about Mary and L.S.B Leakey and the biochemistry Mau Mau wars with Mau Mau analyst  Maurice Wilkens.



Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE code --> Maurice --> Mau + rice --> Mau Mau biochemistry molecular subroutine shooting in Rice Lake, Wisconsin. 


1962 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine - Nobelprize.org

Nobel Prize

Francis Crick, James Watson, Maurice Wilkins ... The discovery of the three-dimensional molecular structure of the deoxyribonucleic acid -DNA - is of great ...


Documentary Re-Examines Controversial Hmong Shooting ...


Oct 27, 2010 - Hmong immigrant Chai Vang went deer hunting in the woods of northern Wisconsin, not far from the town of Rice Lakein November of 2004. 



Let's look at  the Mary and Louis Leakey signal  ...the display LEAK VIA blood sample  LEAKS ...

such as the EARTH LAB sample space 
 .........      geography locations / sites -->

Westgate shooping mall in Kenya, 
Micheal Brown shooting in the St. Louis area, 
the Los Angeles airport shooting at LAX of Hernandez. 


 Another blog post explains most of the background concepts and ides .... so we repeat that data and its analysis 
 ...pieces to Nature's  social message  ...... expression system puzzle.



The Mary and L.S.B Leakey 

blood information system LEAK  

at the Westgate shopping mall in Kenya


Rd-blog-number-4410 by Herb Zinser covers the Margaret Mead  nuclear family ..anthropology battle at the Westgate shopping mall in Nairobi, Kenya.


The social anthropology war .....


Westgate shopping mall attack


On 21 September 2013, unidentified gunmen attacked the upmarket Westgate shopping mall in Nairobi, Kenya. The attack, which lasted until 24 September, resulted in at least 67 deaths, including four attackers. 

The evolution WAR played out at Westgate .........


In natural philosophy, he asserted Charles Darwin's theory ofevolution unswervingly and set about to test Darwin's hypothesisthat humans arose in Africa.


Their finds, when added to the prior work of Raymond Dart andRobert Broom, convinced most paleoanthropologists that humans originally evolved in Africa.


Olduvai Gorge or Oldupai Gorge in Tanzania is one of the most important paleoanthropological sites in the world and has been instrumental in furthering the understanding of early human evolution


This site is significant in showing increased developmental and social complexities in hominins. Evidence of this is shown in the production and use of stone tools, which indicates the increase incognitive capacities. Evidence also indicates the practices of bothscavenging and hunting, which are highlighted by the evidence of gnaw marks predating cut marks, and comparisons on percentages of meat versus plant in the early hominid diet. Furthermore, the collection of tools and animal remains in a central area is evidence of increases in social interaction and communal activity.


Let's look at the SYMBOL MACHINE for clues about the Westgate signaling EVENT.



Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE is comprised of  nouns, verbs, concepts, math equations,  flowcharts, etc.  The ideas found in math and science textbooks are part of the SYMBOL MACHINE.

Using Galileo's suggestions  of  " 2 CHIEF WORLD  SYSTEMS"   we now perceive Sartre existentialism as partitioned into 2 or more data spaces....... the  2  CHIEF existential entities

1) physical reality of objects: concrete highways, iron  automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids, physical biology, etc.

2) The world of symbols, concepts, process control system flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams,  math and physics equations, etc.

Maps and Territories - Rijnlandmodel

Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories
There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.


Biographies: Louis Leakey - The Talk.Origins Archive

TalkOrigins Archive
Louis Seymour Bazett Leakey was born on August 7, 1903 at Kabete 

Mission, nine miles from Nairobi, Kenya. 

Mission, nine 
Mission, nine 
Mission, nine  --> 9th month is September

On 21 September 2013, unidentified gunmen attacked the upmarket Westgate shopping mall in Nairobi, Kenya. The attack, lasted until 24 September, ...........


SYMBOL MACHINE.... keywords --> Leak key.


The human body is a container of  glands, water molecules, blood, etc.  ... all contained in a dermatology skin package designed by Nature's engineers  .... ... long ago.


This concept ..of the human package ... was the subject of  the Watergate ...debate in year 1972.

Exhibit: Nixon and Watergate

National Archives and Records Administration
During the night of June 17, 1972, five burglars broke into the offices of the Democratic National Committee at the Watergate office complex in Washington, 


Thus the water molecule continuum and the  year  1972  INTELLECTUAL debate over the existence of human containers. ..containing  water molecules of mass 18.


In modern time, the debate has shifted.

Do human containers  contain blood.   According to the laws of fluids and bio-physics  ...a skin/dermatology container ,,,,when pierced by a gun bullet  ... ought LEAK  blood. 

Hence, Nature's test about that hypothesis in Nairobi.

Thus we see the information LEAK  .... key  data  ..code Leak + key = Leakey above.


Other SYMBOL MACHINE military symbol codes exist in movies. TV, paperback books  ...........

.Lea and primates --> become Leia and  Chewbacca-

Star Wars: Princess Leia - Wookieepedia, the Star Wars Wiki

Star Wars: Princess Leia is an upcoming Star Wars comic mini-series written by Mark Waid and... 

Above, INTERNAL  blood systems and their thoughts


Below, EXTERNAL display of blood that reflect INTERNAL systems anger over social engineering errors



Now, let's look at this ...from a deeper level.

The geography surface of EARTH is a mathematical-physics bio-physics continnum.

Humans and human activities and happenings occur as subsets embedded within this continuum of Nature's expression systems.


Now ...let's look at the Leakey family and their EARTH LAB proper  noun identifiers.


L. S. B. Leakey Biography - eNotes.com

Examine the life, times, and work of L. S. B. Leakey through detailed author ... and his father, Harry Leakey, was an Anglican priest who had been born in France. 

Harry Leakey 
Harry Leakey 
Harry --> Hypothesis array  ...  human agent  for samples and statistical test of hypothesis


Thus...the Kenya blood information systems flow LEAK ..... key ..key data for Nature's anthropology experiment in Nairobi.



Now, we need to look at the database and the display data PICTURES.


We have INTERNAL  blood SECRET systems within the human container at 37 degrees Celsius temperature     ... and the gun bullet causes a hole  in the bio-container and then .. blood flows to the EXTERNAL  dimensions  ( ..room temperature,etc.)


Does Entropy Contradict Evolution? - The Institute for ...

Institute for Creation Research
by H Morris - ‎Cited by 7 - ‎Related articles
There is a factor called "entropy" in physics, indicating that the whole universe of ... more organized, with higher degrees of performance and consciousness.1. 



Thus we see the human (INTERNALs) as a highly organized entity  with high density information   systems designed and built by Nature ...but modified and twisted by modern nonsense thoughts that people see on television,etc..


Thus Nature wishes to take a sample ....a blood test  ....similar to that done in a doctor's office ... in this case .....    Mother Nature's DOCTOR  uses similar methods ..only on a larger sized  scale  .......  pierce the skin ..blood flows. 


In the Nairobi blood sample .....  physical blood flows  AND its associated information flows from the INTERNAL to EXTERNAL.


: THE DATA OF ETHICS (1879) by Herbert Spencer

  • ... in correspondence with external co-existences and sequences; and still more ... said to be the continuous adjustment of internal relations to external relations.

Thus INTERNAL blood information (highly organized data entity) flows outward .... becomes an output data stream  ..as it become visible in the EXTERNAL world.

Above, we have a display of the human  bio-computer  ...,, blood data records in a buffer pool 



Software Pioneers: Contributions to Software Engineering
M. Broy, ‎Ernst Denert - 2002 - ‎Computers
In discussing the internal structure and disposition of a data record set, it is ... of buffers in an area of storage formatted by the system is called a buffer pool; ...
Buffer Pool
import java.util.LinkedList; public class BufferPool<T> { class Buffer { long offset; // file offset of this data record. T data; // buffered data record. /**. * @param offset ... 
VSAM-Buffer-Pool report (for batch regions only) - IBM
The VSAM-Buffer-Pool report describes VSAM buffer pool activity during the execution of an application program. A separate report is written for each VSAM ...

buffer pool activity during the execution 
buffer pool activity during the execution 
buffer pool activity during the execution 
buffer pool activity during the execution of a human application program  

buffer pool activity during the execution 
buffer pool activity during the execution 
buffer pool activity during the execution 
buffer pool activity during the execution of a human app --> using cell phone apps,and other nonsense


Now, let's continue  with the concept of the EARTH and its mathematical-physics geography surface with base 16 hexadecimal SPACE /TIME attributes. Human live as subsets embedded within this earthly  BASE 16 space/time  fabric (along with oxygen base 16 atmosphere).


KIp S. Thorne and others suggests this existential fabric.


Black Holes and Time Warps: Einstein's Outrageous Legacy ...

www.amazon.com › ... › Physics › Relativity
Amazon.com, Inc.
Black Holes & Time Warps: Einstein's Outrageous Legacy and over one million .... tapestry of interlocking themes, coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to ..... 

The Fabric of the EARTHLY Cosmos: Space, Time, and the Texture of Reality by Brian ... 

Kip S. Thorne is an astrophysics hematology EARTH LAB specimen. His lab identifier ..
proper noun THORNE   is a code word -->
Does Every Rose Have a Thorn? | Wonderopolis
, 2013 -  .......  almost all roses also come with thorns --> thus we have the ROSE Garden at the White House with astrophysics agent Thorne. . 
A Rose By any Other Name: Thorns Vs. Prickles | A Moment ...
Jun 1, 2007 - As the saying goes, every rose has its thorn, but, what we call thorns are ... Thorns are deeply embedded in the woody 

structure   of   the plan(t)., .. 

What is the EARTH LAB sign   ...a rose thorn pieces the skin and draws blood. The rose bush (Nature's BOTANY  doctor) is taking a human blood sample  ...and drops of such blood  fall into the EARTHLY space / time base 16 fabric   ...for analysis.


Thus INTERNAL   blood plasmid  output (via a thorn  or  gun bullet hole)  is input to the EXTERNAL dimension  comprised of a base 16 space/time fabric (and certainly.....  oxygen 16  in the air would qualify as one of the fabrics  ....  string theory components).


Thus we have the INTERNAL data processing information system of  highly organized blood flowing to the EXTERNAL  dimension with  low density information content.


This is well known  ... fluid flow ...from highly  organized to  less organized  region.


Thus the human  INTERNAL data stream of consciousness and the blood FLOW into the EXTERNAL   base 16 hexadecimal fabric  for Nature's analysis systems.



This process DEMO occurred  at the Virginia  TECH base 16 HEXadecimal shooting of April 16,2007.


Virginia Tech shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Virginia Tech shooting (also known as the Virginia Tech massacre) was a school shooting that took place on April 16, 2007, on the campus of Virginia ...


Zinjanthropus - The Free Dictionary

First discovered by anthropologist Mary Leakey on July 17, 1959, at Olduvai Gorge, ... Mary and her husband Louis Leakey classified the find as Zinjanthropus ... 

Mary Leakey - NNDB.com
Anthropologist Mary Leakey is best known for her work at Olduvai Gorge, especially her discovery of Zinjathropus Man (a.k.a. "Zinjanthropus bosei" or ... 
Mary Leakey  --> SYMBOL MACHINE code word --> Mary --> M-theory  array  --Math array LEAK

Thus we see the geography region of central Africa,,,,, Kenya and  Tanzania as a matrix.

That is ... the   EARTH mathematical-physics  ...base 16 hexadecimal geography surface and atmosphere may we perceived as code Mary --> Math array -->Matrix existential entity  ...that has input and output. 



For example ..at this moment (in January in winter)  I am inside a house, sitting in a chair, typing on the keyboard.

Tomorrow, I will leave the house and go outside and do some physical work.


Thus .... I am INPUT to the outside dimension of tree, snow and cold weather.


For the HOUSE point of view  ..I am a human bio-data  record ... an OUTPUT bio-record that  is  an INPUT record to the snow and cold dimension.


This concept now becomes important in the Nairobi MODEL of information flow.


Human INTERNAL metabolism information is maintained at a constant temperature.


Why Our Body Temperature is 98.6 °F - Neatorama

Jan 1, 2011 - Ever wonder why our body temperature is 98.6 °F (37 °C)? ... to eat all the time to maintain metabolism:"One of the mysteries about humans and other ... 


.Upon the shooting ....... the INTERNAL blood flows to another thermodynamics region.


Steven Weinberg - The First Three Minutes [a modern view ...

Baixe grátis o arquivo Steven Weinberg - The First Three Minutes [a modern view ... temperature and density and chemical composition of the universe had such. 


Thus his ideas may  apply to astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION  (Planet Earth).


Since EARTH is a subset of the universe ......  the laws of astrophysics apply to the subset EARTH.




Now, let;s return to the Mary Leakey array   ..hence, the message of levels and  rows/ columns as portrayed by the floors of a shopping mall building ..... a matrix structure..


Above code --> rooftop --> Roof + top --> (data event) proof  Hierarchy Problem  of universities,  FermiLAB bio-physics,   and their understanding of Nature and SYMBOL LIFE


Thus we have the computer science WAR code --> 
ISIS --> IS  + IS  --> Information Systems VERSUS Information Schemes 

Why Mau Mau claims of British brutality are the reverse of ...

Daily Mail
Feb 6, 2010 - In October 1954, about 60 Mau Mau guerrillas had attacked the famous anthropologist Louis Leakey's cousin, Gray Leakey, 

about 60 Mau Mau guerrillas had attacked 
about 60 Mau Mau guerrillas had attacked 
about 60 Mau Mau guerrillas had attacked 
about 60 Mau Mau Maurice Wilkens DNA  guerrillas had attacked 
about 60 
about 60 
actual number 67 ...-->  Westgate shopping mall on 23 September 2013.
 Location .....  67 people were killed .... excluding 4 DNA nucleotide attackers with Mau Mau messages for Maurice

James Watson, Francis Crick, Maurice Wilkins, and ...

Chemical Heritage Foundation
In 1962 James Watson, Francis Crick, and Maurice Wilkins jointly received the Nobel ... The molecule that is the basis for heredity, DNA, contains the patterns for ... 


Thus we have the LEAK .. the anthropology blood information LEAK of LEAKEY  ......   the INTERNAL hematology structure of a hematologist may wish to review  EXTERNAL hematology data signaling  EVENTs.  Nature could use some feedback.






NOw, let's look another blog post SECTION ..for  some more data 



The Wronskian differential equation BATTLES and their blood LINK to L.S.B Leakey in AFrica

By Herbzins27. January 2015 17:42

RD-blog-number 4403 by Herb Zinser  uses the  Isaac Asimov psychohistory VIEW that  symbol equations and formula play a role in explaining human events.



Hari Seldon - Asimov


Hari Seldon is the intellectual hero of Isaac Asimov's Foundation Series. In his capacity as mathematics professor at Streeling University on Trantor, ...



Let consider the word --> Murder as a equation ---> Mu + rd + der -->  dermatology / skin / human skin languages that cause crime ..such as the infra-red  human body heat language emitted from  skin and  automatically sent to other human SKIN structures  .. whose skin pores and eye optics ..receive the infra-red data stream








For example, the IRS tax organization (Internal Revenue Service bases on human body internals)  has a  social economics dermatology / skin code IRS --> Infra-Red Spectrum


Infrared spectroscopy (IRS) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Infrared spectroscopy (IR spectroscopy) is the spectroscopy that deals with the infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum, that is light with a longer ... 





The word --> Murder as a equation ---> Mu + rd + der --> extended  possible concept --> Mau Mau  Research development  dermatology/skin.


Let's look at this concept.

The living human body is a container of  organs, biology entities, lungs with air, and blood.  In addition, the inside  of the body contains an information system ... a bio-computer that makes everything work in harmony.  

When a shooting occurs .... blood flows ..... like a BLOOD stream of conscious leaves the INTERIOR human body  and flows into the EXTERNAL world.

The human CONTAINER leaks.

Let's now use the Leakey...advanced analysis tools from  Africa.










Mau Mau --> pointer to  Mau DNA agent --> MauRice Wilkens.




James Watson, Francis Crick, Maurice Wilkins, and ...

Chemical Heritage Foundation

In 1962 James Watson, Francis Crick, and Maurice Wilkins jointly received the Nobel ... The molecule that is the basis for heredity, DNA, contains the patterns for ...



Below, the blood EXTERNAL display LEAK  may be the information key  --> Leak + key --> Leakey messenger about  hematology  BLOOD bio-computer social behavior subroutine ..named Mau Mau  .. as suggested by SYMBOL MACHINE (the living language) proper noun ....  
Maurice Wilken(s) ...an expression agent for Nature;s DNA systems.









 Above, INTERNAL blood systems


Below, EXTERNAL blood message display systems


  • The Principles of Psychology - Online Library of Liberty

    Herbert Spencer, The Principles of Psychology [1855] ..... The validity of the conclusions we draw respecting either internal or external phenomena, depends on ...
  • [PDF]12

University of Washington
by P GODFREY-SMITH - ‎Cited by 31 - ‎Related articles

would have as much to say as Herbert Spencer and John Dewey. This chapter ... lished his evolutionary approach to psychology in 1855, several years before .... life was: 
'the continuous adjustment of internal relations to external relations'.



 evolutionary approach to psychology in 1855

 evolutionary approach to psychology in 1855

 evolutionary approach to psychology in 1855 --> number 55 ..the iron  within Herbert Spencer schedule this TIME message for ....







Thus ...the INTERNALS of Herbert Spencer  sent a message  about their possible LINKAGE in some situations to EXTERNAL happenings.


The word murder --> murder --> subset code --> der --> dermatology / skin ...implies that a factor in murder  ...may sometimes be  skin languages (infra-red emissions, touch, body language geometry signals ..like dance movements or moving your arm/elbow to wave to another person)  ...etc.

These are more primordial languages ..from the Carl Jung collective unconsciousness  (GROUP MIND)  ...and anger and conflict at that collective level ... rises up thru the levels of subconsciousness  to emerge at some conscious LEVEL of display ..perhaps a book on psychology  OR some violent action display by an individual (acting out the GROUP MIND anger as ordered by Nature's systems) 



Thus, in summary ..we have mentioned concepts ..that need to be verified with actual social science data that may be found in the news  ..  with the help of the SYMBOL MACHINE language analysis tools for your brain SYMBOL PROCESSOR.


Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE is comprised of  nouns, verbs, concepts, math equations,  flowcharts, etc.  The ideas found in math and science textbooks are part of the SYMBOL MACHINE.

Using Galileo's suggestions  of  " 2 CHIEF WORLD  SYSTEMS"   we now perceive Sartre existentialism as partitioned into 2 or more data spaces....... the  2  CHIEF existential entities

1) physical reality of objects: concrete highways, iron  automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids, etc.
2) The world of symbols, concepts, process control system flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams,  math and physics equations, etc.

Maps and Territories - Rijnlandmodel


Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories

There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.



The concepts outlined for the theory


- Isaac Asimov and bio-math expressions of life and human events

- year 1855 ..... the iron atomic mass 55.85 Hemoglobin protein  writings  of Herbert Spencer  about some type of  possible relationship  in Nature's expression systems between  human INTERNALs  and  EXTERNAL information display events.  


- we have  gravity field DATA FIELDS that interact with human brain mass and thoughts


- we have EARTH iron core and North Pole magnetic field DATA FIELD that interact with human iron HEME group Fe(2) ions .. whose code --> Ions -->  i  o  n  s  -->  input / output  north systems  (such as Santa Claus  ...  a magnetic field LIFE FORM)


- various languages that may cause crime ..music commands, infra-red skin heat emission languages,  verbal nouns and verbs, cotton clothing colors and style languages  ....   all  are input to the human bio-computer  .... and may occasionally cause a crime to be created for Nature's message  processing feedback systems.


- the Carl Jung collective unconsciousness (The Group MIND of a city ..a university ... a community .... or the Group Mind or humanities student or musics fans ...)  ... these collective really have a major influence on society and its doings.  

For example ..the primordial desire to EAT ...results in grocery stores. 

The Virginia TECH university collective (GROUP MIND) resulted in the Darwinian  selection of  the  INDIVIDUAL ... programmable bio-computer Mr.CHO to  create  Nature's system  error report   ......... the  BASE 16 HEX / curse of data processing message of April 16, 2007.





Carl Jung education code -->  University of Basel --> base elements  ...of the periodic atomic table  elements, elements of algebra set theory,   and English language elements.




Thus we have provided some pieces to the puzzle ...about sources of  relationships......   CAUSE --> EFFECT  sequences. 








A Science Odyssey: People and Discoveries: Leakey family ...


From the late 1930s, Louis and Mary Leakey found stone tools in Olduvai and ... Louis (also known as L.S.B.)Leakey wrote about their discovery for National ...



Louis and Mary Leakey - Biography - Macroevolution.net


Born in British East Africa (now Kenya) in 1903, Louis ("L.S.B.") Leakey was the son of Christian missionaries. Since his family lived alongside the Kykuyu ...



 Below, human CONTAINERS in SKIN packages  LEAK blood    in   the L.S.B. Leak ...key country of  Kenya  ..... hence, a LINK to the information systems ZINJAN skull project of Nature.







Hence, the  Louis LEAK --> key  factor  to ST.Louis. Missouri  area and the  blood LEAK of Michael Brown in Ferrous oxide IRON atom community of Ferguson, Missouri.


Shooting of Michael Brown - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The shooting of Michael Brown occurred on August 9, 2014, in Ferguson, Missouri, a suburb of St. Louis. Brown, an 18-year-old black man, was fatally shot by ...


Timeline for a Body: 4 Hours in the Middle of a Ferguson ...

The New York Times
Aug 23, 2014 - Local officials say the image of Michael Brown's corpse in the open set ... a Ferguson, Mo., street where his body lay for about four hours after ...


Down Outright Murder - The Louis Leakey blood  message Leak - iFirst Look Media


Nov 20, 2014 - ... of Michael Brown — an unarmed African American teen in Ferguson, ... and 

his bleeding body lay in the hot summer sun for four hours, much ..


Thus ... we think that INTERNAL blood of hematology  ..when it is transformed  to EXTERNAL display format  ..something  happens  ..some information process occurs  in Nature   ..yet. to be studied.


Let's use super-symmetry bio-physics to consider the shootings as Nature's ordered blood displays .... providing information on EXTERNAL hematology social expression systems.


Now.. using super-symmetry mirror the  gunshot BLOOD flow  .. bleeding process is equivalent  to menstruation.


Menstrual Periods - Center for Young Women's Health


Mar 5, 2014 - When you reach puberty and you are becoming a woman, your ovaries make hormones ... Yourmenstrual cycle should be about 28 days.


Menstruation and the menstrual cycle fact sheet ...

www.womenshealth.gov › ePublications › Our ePublications

Jump to What kinds of problems do women have with their periods? - Women can have a range of ... who haven't had a period for 90 days, even if ...



What is menstruation?


Menstruation (men-STRAY-shuhn) is a woman's monthly bleeding. When you menstruate, your body sheds the lining of the uterus (womb). Menstrual blood flows from the uterus through the small opening in the cervix and passes out of the body through the vagina (see how the menstrual cycle works below). Most menstrual periods last from 3 to 5 days.



 Most menstrual periods last from 3 to 5 days

 Most menstrual periods last from 3 to 5 days

 Most menstrual periods last from 3 to 5 days

 Most menstrual periods last from 3 to 5 days --> the blood gates DEMO at Westgate, Nairobi, Kenya  ..the living EARTH cell and MOTHER EARTH 3 to 5 days menstruation in Kenya.



 Most menstrual periods last from 3 to 5 days

 Most menstrual periods last from 3 to 5 days


Westgate shopping mall attack

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


On 21 September 2013, unidentified gunmen attacked the upmarket Westgate shopping mall in Nairobi, Kenya. The attack, which lasted until 24 September, resulted in at least 67 deaths, including four attackers. Over 175 people were reportedly wounded in the mass shooting, with all of the gunmen reported killed.


September 21 thru September 24 --> Nature asks .......  "Does menstruation exist"?  

Does brain awareness of REALITY exist?    
Bull-story talk exists and cell phone blabber talk exists ...... the empty human adult brain.


 Most menstrual periods last from 3 to 5 days

 Most menstrual periods last from 3 to 5 days











 Most menstrual periods last from 3 to 5 days

 Most menstrual periods last from 3 to 5 days






Menstrual cycle: What's normal in Nairobi and Omaha , what's not - Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic

The menstrual cycle, which is counted from the first day of one period to the first day of the next, isn't the same for every woman. Menstrual flow might occur every ...


Normal Menstrual Cycle-Topic Overview - WebMD


The menstrual cycle is from

Day 1 of bleeding   (the Westroads  bleeding in Omaha on December 5, 2007)  to 

Day 1 of the next time of bleeding (Westgate bleeding in Africa on Sept21, 2013).



Thus we have a complex puzzle with many  CONCEPT  pieces and relationships.   We are not talking heavy abstract math equations or  rocket science.   We are talking of basic  math and  science concepts and  basic knowledge of life    ..... but the variety of ideas and the variety of formats ..that all LINKED together with common threads  ... make it complex.



You ..take a few sheets of paper ... .and a big sheet .... and take the above concepts and data events and draw YOUR own version ...your flowcharts  ..... and as you outline your explanation of  this sequence message of REALITY   ...... think of your audience..   you have to tell  your friends  and coworkers ... the TRUTH about REALITY and Nature's systems.




Other exmaples of the Leakey blood information LEAK form the huamn body container  .........


Louis Leakey --> St.Louis message region ..... 


Shooting of Michael Brown - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The shooting of Michael Brown occurred on August 9, 2014, in Ferguson, Missouri, a suburb of St. Louis. Brown, an 18-year-old black man, was fatally shot by ...

2014 Ferguson unrest - ‎Death of Eric Garner - ‎Rashomon effect- ‎August 



Down Outright cover-up .... the newspaper  song and dance - First Look Media


Nov 20, 2014 - Brown's killing, the culmination of an incident that the St. Louis Post ... and his bleeding body lay in the hot summer sun for four hours, ... 



The four hours --> number 4 -->  4 DNA nucleotides message for DNA researchers about  the Mau Mau DNA problem outlined by Maurice Wilkens.



Name =  Micheal Brown and his four nucleotides that makeup DNA and indicate how do they ...


Nov 16, 2009 - The REAL Steel Deal!!! answered 5 years ago. There are 4 nucleotides that make up DNA A = Adenine T = Thymine C = Cytosine G = Guanine


Why was Michael Brown's body left there for hours? : News

www.stltoday.com › News › Local › Law & Order
St. Louis Post‑Dispatch

Sep 14, 2014 - The body of Michael Brown, 18, lies covered with a sheet near Canfield ... A national magazine, too, zeroed in on the four hours Brown's body lay on the ground. ...
 Brown's blood, which otherwise

  might have pooled underneath him, ran in a .... Finally, about 4 p.m., police officers gave the medical examiner .. 


Buffer pool dictionary definition | buffer pool defined


buffer pool - Computer Definition. An area of memory reserved for buffers. 


Adjusting buffer pool size - IBM


Adjust buffer pool size according to the amount of memory on yourcomputer. The minimum amount of memory is 512KB -- nothing smaller. A machine with less ...


in other words  ...human bio-computer terminology ....


Adjusting buffer pool size  for Micheal Brown
......  the 
  6' 4”, 292-pound Brown bio-computer

....6  4  --> implies double-word size 32 + 32 = 64- IBM


Adjust buffer pool size according to the amount of memory on yourcomputer. The minimum amount of memory is 512KB -- nothing smaller. A machine with less .... 



Michael Brown:  | FrontPage Magazine

FrontPage Magazine

Aug 18, 2014 - The 6' 4”, 292-pound Brown took the employee by his shirt and pushed him back into some merchandise. As Brownmoved toward the door, he ... 



Thus we recall the earlier MODEL about blood flow.


Micheal Brown was a human container with blood ..INTERNAL blood information systems.



The bullet caused him to spring a LEAK ...an information LEAK ..... and that resulted in the  EARTH LAB ...   St.Louis .... Louis Leakey informaytion bulletin .... provided by the data generating device .... a gun bullet.


His  INTERNAL blood flowed into the EXTERNAL dimensnion ..the base 16 fabric of EARTHLY space/time  ..thus allowing that dimension to analyze  the INTERNAL software of Micheal Brown and his people.  At numeric code 6 feet  4 inches --> code number 64 --> doubleword --> suggest he was a double-agent for the oxygen cointinuum ... breathing oxygen atomic base 16  into his LUNGS.


 Below, the EXTERNAL hematyology SYMBOL of the fabric of  the human existential region ..the EWARTH geography surafce and atmosphere  ......  a base 16 hexadecimal space/time fabric that absorbs blood  ....    human INTERNAL blood information systems have a information data stream of consciousness FLOW into the other exitential region ..the EXTERNAL region.

For details ..  ask the ROSE Garden ....... the  BOTANY rose bush and thorn   ..  and their human representatives  ..... secret agents that can't communicate  --> president Bush and CALTECH Kip.S.Thorne.




 The evolution of the arch to archtecture ....

IBM Systems Network Architecture - Wikipedia, the free ...


Systems Network Architecture (SNA) is IBM's proprietary networking architecture, created in 1974. 

It is a complete protocol stack for interconnecting computers ...


below, the Micheal Brown bio-computer connection ... to the Base 16 Hex"Af' = 175 --> AF.terlife region of  hexadecimal  space/time.





 Thus Micheal Brown ..... his HEX'AF" --> Afterlife code 175 links to the Westgate mall shooting code  in Nairobi, Kenya,  AF region --> 

over 175 people were reportedly wounded in the mass shooting.


Thus we see some Base 16 heritage message about human data processing devices.







 The EARTH systems architecture message with Micheal Brown of St.Louis --> the Micheal Brown   ...bio-physics Brownian motion of  his  blood LEAK reveal  pieces of the system Architecture and fabric of existence  .. that humans  are embedded within.





 The other LEAKEY blood flow........ 


TSA officer shot dead by LAX gunman bled for 33 minutes ...

Daily Mail

Nov 15, 2013 - Questions: Gerardo Hernandez, 39, was left to bleedfor 33 minutes after he was shot by the LAX gunman. Investigations are now underway to ...


TSA --> EARTH LAB TSA --> Test SAMPLE .... officer shot dead by LAX gunman bled for 33 minutes ...

 The other EARTH LAB sample space experiemtn was done in Wisconsin with SAMPLE --> SAM Hengel  of the I/O PORT  in the farbric of EARTH geoagrphy surface  ..... the input/output  PORT errro data field of Porterfield and  puppet string theory  .. of Marionette Theater  at Martinette  high school. 



Motive of Samuel Hengel, 15, in school hostage seige ...

The Plain Dealer

Nov 30, 2010 - Samuel Hengel died Tuesday morning at a Green Bay, Wis., hospital ... 30, 2010 in Marinette, Wis. about a hostage situation at Marinette High .... Outside Hengel's home in Porterfieldwas a large sign 



Thus we see pieces to the newspaper  LEAKEY cover-up of the information LEAK provided by the tragic signaling EVENTS.



Louis Leakey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Louis Seymour Bazett Leakey (7 August 1903 – 1 October 1972), also known as L. S. B. Leakey, was a Kenyan paleoanthropologist and archaeologist whose ...

Mary Leakey - ‎Olduvai Gorge - ‎Richard Leakey 

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