The modern Margaret Mead atomic social science wars are well-known. Newspapers publish the atomic expression EVENTS that get the most attention ...tragic events.
In Europe, the physical tragedy on the island of UTOEYA paralleled the mathematical-physics island of symbols, equations and, concepts ...... thus UTOEYA <---> UTOE = Unified Theory of Everything. Thus the INTELLECTUAL battles in Europe and the United States get transformed into a parallel physical battle .... a violent event. Thus we see a relationship between symbolic life and symbolic wars -----> biology life and physical wars.
This CAUSE and EFFECT process has existed for a long time, and explains some situations.
Let's look at the half-life of BOY SCOUT Sam Hengel and his interactions experiences with the periodic atomic table of life ..... which is overseen by Wisconsin universities and the Office of Science.
The tragic event DISPLAY illustrates 2 major concepts ...that have penetrated the atomic social science psyche.
Let's look at signal 23, half-life, and the 23 decay chain as DISPLAYED on the geography surface of Earth ..... EARTH the living atomic cell.
Hostage situation at Marinette High School
Host situation atoM High School --> for univeristy graduate students
What is the message?
The periodic atomic table of elements of life is like a main frame system 370 computer. It is the HOST and other entities are subsets relative to the HOST frame of reference. As atomic, biophysics humanoids .... we are subsets living within Nature's vast atomic existential continuum ...the atomic HOST and humans are like guests living within the 11-dimensions of applied string theory.
Sending Spooled Files from a Mainframe to an IBM System i using ...
www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid...Jul 5, 2009 – Sending Spooled File from Mainframe to System i Products Has Incorrect Format ... data from a host system to a printer, or from one host system to another, ... Send AFPDS Spooled Files from an IBM System/370 Mainframe to ...
www.jaymoseley.com/hercules/Feb 21, 2008 – IBM S/370 and ESA/390 ... Business Machines System/370 and Extended System Architecture/390 mainframe hardware which runs under ... Some of the material is hosted elsewhere and I simply provide a link to the host site. -
cm.bell-labs.com/cm/cs/who/dmr/otherports/ibm.htmlThis paper also discusses the use of a large mainframe UNIX system for this development. ... Since its introduction by IBM in 1970, System/370 [2] has become the ..... raw-mode programs, such as screen editors,
from the System/370 hostfrom the System/370 host ...for human bio-computers we havethe body System 37.o degrees Celsius temperature processor
The term "host" is used in several contexts, in each of which it has a slightly different meaning:
3) In IBM and perhaps other mainframe computer environments, a host is a mainframe computer (which is now usually referred to as a "large server"). In this context, the mainframe has intelligent or "dumb" workstations attached to it that use it as a host provider of services. (This does not mean that the host only has "servers" and the workstations only have "clients." The server/client relationship is a programming model independent of this contextual usage of "host.")
Hostage situation at Marinette High School
Host situation atoM High School --> for univeristy graduate students
Let's look at modern atomic social anthropology SECRETS of the United States .... and Nature's modern signal processing methods.
Hostage situation at Marinette High School
Host situation atoM High School --> for univeristy graduate students
at Marinette High School where 23 students .... for more than five hours..,,signal
atoM...............23.............. 5 ...ur

235 U
... 235U, Half-life, Fermion, 92p 143n, title icon. 7.04×108 ...
in this case ....for the half-life of symbolic life within the atomic human brain symbolic processor with bio-computer memory .....
the symbol world ( Sam + ple) ---> maps to physical biology world --> Sam + ple (police subset letters ple)

Half-Life Calculator - Calculates Time, Half-Time, Beginning Amount ...
www.calculatoredge.com/chemical/half%20life%20calc.htmClick on Calculate Time or Calculate Half-time or Calculate Beginning Amount or Calculate Ending ... The Half Life of Uranium-235 is 713,000,000 years. -
Uranium - Argonne National Laboratory
www.evs.anl.gov/pub/doc/Uranium.pdfFile Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
several isotopes: primarily uranium-238, uranium-235, and a very small amount of ... emitting an alpha particle.
Uranium - Arg National Laboratory
Uranium - Argument National Laboratory
www.evs.anl.gov/pub/doc/Uranium.pdfFile Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
several isotopes: primarily uranium-238,
uranium-235, and a very small amount of ... emitting an alpha particle.The atomic mass 235 ...mass communications signal ....... the the atomic ENGLISH alphabet newspaper particle of information about modern atomic society. For the scientists .....mass communications (television, radio, print) is really atomic mass communications.Update Marinette High School hostage taker Samuel Hengel dies ...
www.examiner.com/.../update-marinette-high-school-hostage-taker-s...Dec 1, 2010 – Samuel Hengel,
the high school sophomore had shot a film projector and
... Samuel had held a teacher and 23 students hostage for five hours.
The INTERNAL atomic social science policy messages and atomic social engineering ERROR signals are amplified/ enlarged to a large sized EXTERNAL visual display format on the Earth's geography land surface using atomic bio-physics humanoid output display devices as messengers ... as expressors ...
as actors in the atomic thought and atomic behavior performance.
Decay chain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decay_chainJump to Beta decay chains in uranium & plutonium fission products: For example, uranium-235 has 92 protons and 143 neutrons. ... (iodine-135), then the decay chains can be found in the tables below. Nuclide, Half-life ...
Natural Decay Series: Uranium, Radium, and Thorium - Argonne ...
www.ead.anl.gov/pub/doc/natural-decay-series.pdfFile Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
must have elapsed, for example ten half-lives of the decay product having the ... of the uranium-238, thorium-232, and uranium-235 decay series are shown in ... -
Decay Chains - Nuclear Forensic Search Project
metadata.berkeley.edu/nuclear-forensics/Decay%20Chains.htmlThe details in decay chain (symbol, atomic mass, number of protons, half-life, decay ... Beginning with the naturally-occurring isotope U-235, this decay series ...
Let's look at the 23 chain of events ....... the decay chain.
The decay of Milwaukee and its universities, corporations, and citizens.
Signal 23 with atomic anthropology police --> Byran Norberg and Kunish.
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.: 2 Officers Shot In South Side ...
2nd + 3rd ST --> subset symbols 2 3 S --> substitute equivalent --> 235 signal.
Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition and Applications - iasted
all areas of signal processing, pattern recognition and ...
Court Allows Lawsuit Against Badger Guns To Go Forward - Brady ...
Thus we have the University of Wisconsin , Milwaukee involved as an atomic material witness in the Margaret Mead atomic anthropology DEMO ...with the range of atomic message code 2339 --> the range from 233 to 239 of social isotopes(t) problems in Milwaukee society.
Isotopes of uranium - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Uranium-239 is an isotope of uranium.
Milwaukee police officers Bryan Norberg and street code 23S --> 235 -->
the Milwaukee intellectual street dance of bull-explanations of EVENTS
a CAUSE --> EFFECT ......the next event in the decay chain of intellectual society.
Decay Chains - Nuclear Forensic Search Project
( nuclear social sciences project projection )
Milwaukee system signaling code ..... Bryan Norberg and street code 23S --> 235
next SIGNAL range 233 TO 239 .......Brazil Night dance WITH heat released
Brazil Nightclub Fire Kills At Least 233 People (VIDEOS, PHOTOS)
Message signal 233 to Milwaukee .... 233 dead --> 2339 --> 2nd , 3rd Street near
Bradley TECH high school.
Br --> Byran ....... advances in atomic brain thought technology
Bradely TECH
Bra --> Brave New World with Aldous Huxley
Brazil and its role in the EARTH system map and its LINKS
Thus we see these inter-related situations provide EARTH LAB empirical data for theorist ... that atomic humanoids are included in the Department of Energy oversight of atomic entities. The Department of Energy under orders from the citizen/federal government has looked the other way ... ... at atomic humanoid violations of the SOCIAL CONTRACT with Nature ....as suggested long ago by Plato, John Locke, etc.
Various concept tools are important.
GUT --> the project started in year 1453 with the printing press --> Grand Unified Theory
TOE --> Time Order Entry with the H.G.WElls TIME Machine ..... Nature's the TIME COMPUTER project from year 1900 to the 2000 TIME boundary ... .. giving the TOE = Theory of Everything.
Super-symmetry physics and mirrors and parallelism ...provide additional ideas ..... that help us understand signal 23 --> 235 ...a message to the social science world.