Herb Zinser - Symbolic Cities

The modern symbolic cities of nouns, verbs, math equations, biochemistry molecule formula of the SYMBOLIC ARMY. The physics microsoft BALMER series emission mission ERROR of Seatttle. The INTERNET symbol, graphics war with bio-computer HUMANS.

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The Joel Robbin mathematical logic mystery of Sterling Hall

Rd-blog-number-4173 by Herb Zinser reviews conceptual mathematical logic applications with the University of Wisconsin math agent --> Joel Robbin.

Of particular  interest in this  post .. is the Sterling Hall bombing and its more TRUE NATURE.  The simple, incomplete explanations about  the tragic signaling EVENT suggest an INTELLECTUAL inability by the University of Wisconsin ..... caused by a lack of interest in serious social science matters and their arrogance approach regarding the SOCIAL CONTRACT with Nature as outlined by John Locke and others,.


Sterling Hall bombing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Sterling Hall Bombing that occurred on the University of Wisconsin–Madison campus on August 24, 1970 was committed by four young people as a protest ...


After 40 years, search for University of Wisconsin bombing ...

www.washingtonpost.com › Nation
The Washington Post
Sep 21, 2010 - The search for Leo Burt, the final suspect in what is known as the Sterling Hall bombing at the University of Wisconsin, is heating up again.
First, let's repeat another blog post ...  that  outlines modern, practical mathematical logic applications by molecular cell biology social engineering systems and microbiology  societal  message processing systems.   After that, we will  cover the EARTH LANGUAGE Sterling Hall bombing message  that Nature created in the agriculture state of Wisconsin .......  described by the SYMBOL MACHINE  as an  EVENT  in  the world-wide  continuum wars of symbol ---> Ag --> the Ag continuum as perceived by Nature's EARTH LANGUAGE and the English Language.

Microbiology math logic of Joel Robbin


Rd-blog-number 4172 by Herb Zinser reviews the University of Wisconsin, Madison bio-math system with the microbiology math logic book by Joel Rob(bins).


We have the Madison, Wisconsin microbiology .. biochemistry humanoid  .... an EARTH LAB with bio-math specimen name : Joel Robbins.







Joel Robbin  --> subset code --> J o e l  Rob  + bin --> Job order entry language microbiology binary (systems)

Jul 19, 2013 - Joel W. Robbin is a mathematician at the University of Wisconsin at Madison. His thesis was in mathematical logics, under A. Church of ...



Maps and Territories - Rijnlandmodel


Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories
There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.





In INTERNAL microbiology living language  systems  ..the above letter code of 3 symbols -->   W.R  ... in microbioiogy military situations ...the center dot/period ....  may expand / grow to another circular/round configuration ... the approximately  round letter a ... and send a SYMBOL MACHINE signal  ....WaR .


The Robbin code --> Rob + bin ---> microbiology binary --> suggest their are 2 application versions of math logic used by Nature ....

1) INTERNAL biology and the Central Nervous System  370 SYMBOL PROCESSOR usage of logic and thought 

2) EXTERNAL applications of math logic


The INTERNAL biology thought system and its social engineering thoughts may express ANGER ... and that INTERNAL microbiology math ANGER  may generate  OUTPUT instructions  ... that are activated in some human ......  via Darwin selection of that human   .. thus creating a visible crime .... that is creating a process control feedback signal about the LOGIC ERRORS in social engineering and brain engineering education policies.





Thus the famous Wisconsin example of the AXIOM of CHOICE .....by the molecular continuum comprised of  biochemistry molecule structures named humans,


A very practical example of the AXIOM of CHOICE ..... was the biochemistry molecular continuum  decision ... CHOICE to send  message in EXTERNAL world format  .. about the AXIOM of CHOICE by angry molecules. 


Thus in an informal way ..devoid of math rigor .... but nonetheless  a bio-math logic display  ...math logic in thought and action  ...like..



Thus INTERNAL  math logic  made a decision .. a CHOICE about the format of the message to optimize its signal content ..... thus the transformation into an EXTERNAL information display  ..... signaling EVENT with feedback codes.


Ax Murderer Gets Chance for Parole - 620 WTMJ ...

www.620wtmj.com › NewsLocal
A judge Friday sentenced a man who killed his mother with an ax to life in ... 12 that Mark D. Totzke was not criminally insane at the time of the crime. ... The body of Gloria Jean Totzke, 59, was found in her bed at her Oconomowoc home Aug.


..in other words 


Ax Murderer Gets Chance for Parole - 620 WTMJ ...

Ax M     ...

AxioM  gets chance to express math logic - 620 WTMJ ...

Axiom of Choice ... Murderer Gets Chance for Parole - 620 WTMJ ...

www.620wtmj.com › NewsLocal
A judge Friday sentenced a man who killed his mother with an ax to life in ... 12 that Mark D. Totzke was not criminally insane at the time of the crime. ... The body of Gloria Jean Totzke, 59, was found in her bed at her Oconomowoc home Aug.



Above words...last sentence --. her Back --> implies Axiom of Choice feedback signal to the University of Wisconsin, Madison.

Thus we see the systems approach ought include   molecule expressions of their math logic ANGER  ......  







Now, to provide additional clues for interested researchers  that suggests some possible concepts to be considered  ...the Sterling Hall bombing.



Sterling Hall bombing - Wikipedia, the free ... - Madison

The Sterling Hall Bombing that occurred on the University of Wisconsin–Madison campus on August 24, 1970
was committed by four young people  who as a protest ...


..in other words  ....

Sterling Hall bombing - Wikipedia, the free ... - Madison

The Sterling Hall Bombing that occurred on the University of Wisconsin–Madison campus on August 24, 1970 
was committed by four young people  who were constructed of  four DNA nucleotides   and thus their Darwinian DNA ordered  protest ...

.Below, extended DNA ............


Name the four nucleotides that makeup DNA and indicate how do they ...

Nov 16, 2009 - There are 4 nucleotides that make up DNA
A = Adenine
 T = Thymine
C = Cytosine
G = Guanine Adenine pairs with Thymine, Cytosine with Guanine.
Thus the A and G nucleotides selected the month of DNA anger expressions  --->  AUG
Thus we see the  FBI desire ... the educational WANT  ....... to learn about 4 DNA nucleotides and the molecular   social engineering ... ANGER expression system that uses human agents.
Now, let's use  The SYMBOL MACHINE  and  some LOGIC ..... and consider the  mathematicians at the University  of Wisconsin in Madison
Thus we see that they members of  the CIA and cover n-space ...... which cover many human activities  .... because human existence is a subset embedded within EARTHLY n-space .
Now, using Recursive  Arithmetic  ......  NATURE  can reach back into their  CIA minds  and look at their  Primitive  heritage  .... NATUREs

Mathematical Logic: A First Course (Dover Books on ...

www.amazon.com › BooksReference
Mathematical Logic: A First Course (Dover Books on Mathematics) [Joel W. Robbin, Mathematics] on Amazon.com. *FREE* ... A survey of the propositional calculus is followed by chapters on first-order logic and first-order recursive arithmetic.

Robbin Math Logic | Logic Matters

Joel W. Robbin's Mathematical Logic: A First Course (W. A Benjamin, 1969, Dover ... Robbin presents an axiomatic system whose primitives are → and ⊥ – or ...

Robbin Math Logic |  .......coMa  at   --->


Bascom Hall ----> Bas + com --> Base Coma ....  Mad magazine comics --> Madison, WI - Foursquare

Bascom Hall, located atop Bascom Hill at the eastern end of the Madison campus of the University of Wisconsin, has housed the campus's senior administrative .

Robbin Math Logic | Logic Matters

Robbin  --> bin --> binary  Math Logic | Logic Matters CIA agents in the Math building ...next to the Base coma building



Now, Joel Robbin and his binary Base 2 code identifier   and his mathematician CIA AGENT code ....... subset code AG --> LINK to the AG  detective mystery series of AGATHA CHRISTIE .....such as paperback book -->



Above, four strange clocks ...... represented   by 4 biological clocks  that created an EVENT  in year 1970 ...August 24 --> 24 hour clock sign.




Thus ...we see strange message codes ..etc .... involving the Sterling Hall bombing.





Army mathematics (military mathematics)     and University of Wisconsin  professors  ..... mathematicians with CIA credentials .... indeed .... a mystery .....
and Joel Robbin ...intial JR  being sent messages  embedded in the television series DALLAS.


Dallas (1978 TV series) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As the series progressed, oil tycoon J.R.  grew to be the show's main character,
whose schemes and dirty business became the show's trademark.
  • Robbin Math Logic | Logic Matters

    Joel W. Robbin's Mathematical Logic: A First Course (W. A Benjamin, 1969, Dover ... rule for deriving variant wffs,

    Robbin lays down three axiom schemas.
  • Logic, Logic, and Logic - Page 71 - Google Books Result

    George Boolos, ‎Richard C. Jeffrey, ‎Richard Jeffrey - 1999 - ‎Philosophy
    The underlying logic of such a formulation would be any standard axiomatic ...

    of the comprehension schema,

    as in Joel Robbin's Mathematical Logic,is or via a ...

    Dallas --> Da  11 --> Day 11  september 2001  (2001 TV series) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    As the power series progressed, oil tycoon J.R.  grew to be the show's main character,
    whose schemes and dirty business became the show's trademark.
    List of Dallas (1978 TV series) - ‎List of Dallas characters - ‎Jim Davis ..Data + vis --> Dsta vision - ‎Who shot JR?



    Thus we  some secret language messsages embedded   within the larger message TEXT.


    Okay, let's start over.

    University of Wisconsin in the  farm agriculture state of Wisconsin.

    The EARTH LANGUAGE equation --> food for thought -->  Fa + cult --> gives --> Faculty.

    The University expands its faculty to  Plattesville.

    University of Wisconsin–Platteville - Wikipedia, the free ...

    University of WisconsinPlatteville (also known as UWPlatteville) is a public university located in Platteville, Wisconsin, United States. Part of the University of ...
    Plattesville  ...

    About Dining Services | University of Wisconsin-Platteville

    www.uwplatt.edu › Campus Life
    University of Wisconsin–Platteville
    Welcome to Dining Services at the University of Wisconsin-Platteville! We understand that food is very important to a college student's lifestyle
    PLattesville sits on an EARTH plate --> therefore the hierarchy of plates  ....food systems ...and food for forehead thought systems,

    Plate tectonics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Jump to Driving forces related to Earth rotation - Alfred Wegener, being a meteorologist, had proposed tidal forces and pole flight force as the main driving ...


    Thus we see the CLUES   ......  mathematicians  down-to-EARTH logic  .....  with math CIA Agents (abbreviated Ag)   feed by the farm Ag food system  ..... and these math Ag Agents ... on occasion  EAT dinner at a fancy restaurant   with sterling silverware (atomic  element dinner code Ag).


    Reed & Barton Sterling Silver Flatware

    www.reedandbarton.com › Flatware
    Reed & Barton sterling silver flatware has been expertly crafted in the United States for over 175 years. A prized metal throughout history, sterling silver is at its ...

    Sterling Silverware: Find Sterling Silverware at Macy's

    Discover the exquisite beauty of sterling silverware. Silverware can add charm and character to a table. Because they are highly resistant to staining and rusting, ...

    View All   Sterling    Silver   Flatware   Patterns - Silver Superstore

    View every sterling flatware pattern that's currently in production on one page - SilverSuperstore.com, BBB Member, 1-800-426-3057.

    Sterling Silver Tableware - Replacements.com‎




    Sterling Silver Table (Symbol tables VS dinner plates)  war elements Ag (atomic table) - Replacements.com‎




    Sterling Silver  (atomic) Table  war elemnets  - Replacements.com‎


     Above, silver atomic number 47 and atomic mass 107.



    Thus we math Ag (agents)  explain the Ag continuum of the entire food system


    Agriculture <------------- continuum -------->  high society  with atomic  Sterling Silver symbol Ag


    Thus we see the WAR in Iraq is really an agriculture food ....since Ag was started there.  In year   2014 ...bombs continue to fall in the fertile Cresent  Ag  region  while the high society of Madison intellectual laugh,  tell stories  and express amusement about the set-up of the Ag wars.




    Thus the current year 2014 IRAQ agriculture war zone in the Fertile Crescent  is partially caused by  the unsolved Sterling Hall bombing  ..the sloppy explanations given the university.   They can't carry the ball. They  watch basketball  and then the university  gives some DRIBBLE explanation about tragic signaling EVENTS. .

    Super-symmetry physics and geo-physics MIRRORS giver  recursive  ..feedback system  pointers  back to year 1970    ....

    Fertilizer bomb ... possible pointer to  Fertile Crescent 

    Wisconsin Ag state --> pointer to the origins of civilization based on agriculture ..consider to be the Iraq / Babylon region.


    Thus you have some pieces to the University  of Wisconsin Joel Robbin  .. Agent Ag  --> Agatha Christie mystery in thinking and the SYMBOL MACHINE's language and logic . 



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